Obsessed with the HBO show Deadwood, Tanya and I headed out to the real Deadwood, SD this past weekend to see the infamous goldrush town. Little did we know that half the cast would be hangin' out there as well. We saw them all over the place for the entire weekend. We ate dinner at the real Gem Saloon just 5 feet away from Dan Dority, Trixie and Hostetler (how weird is that? Hope Dan & Trixie got the employee discount). Even our flight home was filled with Deadwood stars.. Trixie missed her flight to Denver and was cursing up a storm just like on the show...

L-R: Trixie - Dan Dority - Calamity Jane - The Little General - Con Stapleton - Hostettler - Blazinov - Ellsworth - Silas Adams - Johnny Burns - Hawkeye
Me n' Dan Dority (W.Earl Brown) right before I sorted him out! Surprising W. Earl factoid: That's him playing "Franks & Beans" (Cameron Diaz' brother) in There's Something About Mary!

Hangin' with Blazinov... He really does have the Russian accent, and he was winning on slots pretty nicely...

A good laugh about Johnny Burns I'm sure...

The Bullock Hotel.. just a block down from the Gem

Tanya sez How-dee at Mt Rushmore

From L-R: Chris Walken, John Lennon, Freddie Mercury and C Everitt Coop...

The official Deadwood swimmin' hole.. Pretty nice!